Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance makes a major contribution to preparing young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life and to help them make a successful transition to adulthood. We are extremely proud to have received the Quality in Careers Service Mark in July 2019 which proves how much progress we have made towards meeting the GATSBY benchmark.
The school meets the new GATSBY benchmarks by:
The School will assess the impact of its careers programmes on students by completing an annual student survey and analysing destinations data in line with activities that they have taken part in at school. In addition, the views of students and parents will be surveyed after key events e.g. the Careers Information Evening, Year 12 Work Experience.
All up and coming career events information can be found on our KES Facebook page, and in our Parent/Carer Bulletin.
Careers Education Delivery
Careers education is provided in a variety of ways, appropriate for the ages and aspirations of all our students.
Adam Roche Assistant Head is our Careers Lead and can be contacted at whilst our personal school Careers Advisor is Wendy Maslen who can be contacted at
If you or your organisation would like to partner with the school to provide careers talks or take part in our mock interview days please contact Mrs Maslen via email to
National Careers Service – a comprehensive careers website with job profiles, outlining: the skills required, main tasks, pay levels and career prospects for hundreds of different jobs. In addition, valuable guidance on the different stages involved in getting a job.
Get in Go Far – a website for anyone wanting to know more about apprenticeships. The website has a search facility for job specific apprenticeships in a particular area.
Careers Pilot – comprehensive information on the jobs market Contains information on the main employment sectors, including the number of people working in that sector and whether the number is projected to increase or fall. In addition, information on job salaries, relevant subject areas, top employers and types of apprenticeships.
Icould – helpful videos about a wide range of job roles.
UCAS – a very helpful website for students thinking of applying to higher education. Also contains valuable information on different options, including apprenticeships.
LMI For All - the LMI for All portal provides high quality, reliable labour market information (LMI) to inform careers decision. Here you can find out where to access information on the labour market.
Document Title |
Careers plan for 2023 2024 |
PAL document for website |