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New Building

In 2020, the Department of Education selected our school to be part of their Priority Schools Building Programme (PSBP). We were the only Essex school selected and we are pleased to be receiving a new school building as part of the programme. 

As well as ensuring the new building sits aesthetically within the remaining school structures, the construction and finish will make us one of the most sustainable and eco-friendly schools in the country.

A number of our old buildings were removed to make way for the new two-storey block, which, together with other buildings on the site, will create a pleasant central courtyard at the heart of the school.

The new facilities will include design and technology workshops, food technology rooms, art rooms, general classrooms, an activity studio, a new school hall and dining room, and offices for staff - we will even have a new fish tank for our famous Koi and goldfish.

Every single teaching space will benefit from state-of-the-art ICT equipment.

Kier were awarded the contract to deliver the new building by the Department of Education. 

See the downloads section below for copies of the Kier newsletters and check back regularly to see photos of the buildings progress.

This project is a huge opportunity for all of our students and the wider community and we are on schedule to open the new building in Spring 2025.


Kier Newsletter 1

Kier Newsletter 2