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Year 7

The Year 7 geography experience starts with making connections to the school and local area. This helps students develop their geographical skills through map and atlas work. As the year progresses students get the opportunity to travel further afield in their lessons by exploring the extreme environments of Antarctica and the world’s hot deserts. In the final term students develop their enquiry skills by carrying out a microclimate investigation in the school grounds.

Year 8

In Year 8 the geography experience continues with an exploration of a wider range of skills and places. Students start by investigating our coastal environment and the threats posed by rapid erosion. They then get the opportunity to look at how global their lives are and how globalisation shapes their everyday experiences. As the year progresses students get the chance to study Russia and its changing place in the world. In term three students build on their understanding of the weather from year 7 to investigate a variety of climatic hazards.

Year 9

Year 9 students continue to build their geography knowledge, understanding and skills for GCSE. The year starts with students carrying out an enquiry into a tectonic hazard and investigating why some places are more vulnerable to tectonic events. In term two students develop their knowledge of river processes and flooding. In the final term students can really explore India as an emerging country learning about its environment, society and culture with a final focus on the megacity of Mumbai.

Year 10

In Year 10 students are introduced to the GCSE Edexcel B course and the knowledge and skills that are required to be successful. They start the year investigating our hazardous earth and developing an understanding of the different climatic and tectonic hazards that are faced on our planet. This is followed by a study of development and how and why different parts of the world have developed such extreme inequality. In term three students focus on the UK’s Physical Geography and fieldwork skills. All students take part in a trip to Walton on the Naze to investigate the coastal processes and management at this location

Year 11

In Year 11 students continue to build and revisit the knowledge and skills gained in the first year of the GCSE course. In addition they learn about the UK’s human landscape including a fieldtrip to Stratford in London in October to learn about urban rebranding and fieldwork techniques. Students focus on people and environment connections in term 2 with an enquiry approach to topics including forests under threat and consuming energy resources. Students are taught how to make a geographical decision. The last term has a strong focus on revision and exam techniques in preparation for the summer examinations.

Year 12 and 13

Students in Year 12 and 13 follow the two year Edexcel A level course. This is a contemporary course with a balance of knowledge and skills. In year 12 students study a mixture of physical and human geography including topics such as tectonics, globalisation, coasts and rebranding. This culminates in a residential fieldtrip to Dorset in which students get the opportunity to do coastal and urban fieldwork and collect data for their own individual investigation. In year 13 students study an array of fascinating areas such as superpower geographies, migration, identity and sovereignty and the water and carbon cycles. Students complete the course with a range of different skills and wide ranging knowledge of contemporary global issues.

Subject Documents Date  
Learning Journey Geography 15th Dec 2023 Download