SEN & Learning Support

The King Edmund School Learning Support Department has two SENDCos (SEND Co-ordinators), Mrs Kelly Jacob and Mr Michael Bowman.

The SEND Administrator is Ann Higginson. Initial queries should come through her via

Students may have SEND. They are not SEND.

SEND provision is any curriculum provision that is additional to or different from that which is made for others of the same age. This means provision that goes beyond the ordinarily available and accessible curriculum which should incorporate adaptive teaching and learning arrangements as part of high-quality teaching. This may take the form of additional support within the classroom, individual or group interventions or the involvement of specialist staff /support services.

Disability – By law, a person has a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry our normal day-to-day activities. (section 6) Equality Act 2010.

Our SENDCos are responsible for the management of provision and/or support for students that are identified with having SEND. They also liaise with parents/carers/students and teachers to enable appropriate adaptive provision for students with SEND.

All teachers are teachers of students with SEND. As such, they are responsible for providing high quality teaching that considers the particular individual needs of all students in their classrooms. Therefore, our vision for children and young people with SEND is the same as our vision for all children. Regardless of age, stage, unique characteristics or circumstances, our children and young people will have access to appropriate, high quality education and health and social care support which provides:

  • A positive experience of learning
  • A sense of belonging, value and worth                      
  • Aspirational outcomes
  • The right support at the right time
  • Information and opportunities to enable informed decision making, choice and control
  • Successful, planned transition at any point of movement, between phases or settings
  • Thoughtful and thorough preparation for their future progression to a fulfilling adult life.

Our vision is for a SEND system that identifies and assesses need at an early stage and which provides appropriate and impactful support without high dependence on statutory services. We would like our children, young people and families to have confidence in the type, quality and amount of support received and see a positive impact of the support in their child’s life

The SEND register is used to record those who receive additional education that is additional to and different from that of their peers. Students may be placed on the register following assessment of need, diagnosis, parental contact, transfer from another setting or a combination of these if interventions are put in place to support them. If a student has an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) they are automatically added to the SEND register (E).

The school uses the standard ‘E’, ‘K’ and 'N' to denote pupils on SEND support. Those codes classify the status of the pupil in the following ways:

  • E identifies students who have Education and Health and Care Plans and whose support is outlined by the Local Authority
  • K identifies students at SEND Support Level and generally refers to less-complex needs, or those where external intervention not required.
  • N identifies students who have been on the SEND register at one point, but who currently are not.


We have a range of interventions that are used to identify and support the four areas of need through the assess, plan, do, review process. (ADPR)


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The new ‘Code of Practice’ (2015) states that there are four main areas which cover Special Educational Needs. These areas are as follows:

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social emotional and mental health
  • Physical and Sensory

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Parents/carers can obtain further advice from the following links:


SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) (

Essex County Council: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) | Essex Local Offer

Essex SEND - Information, Advice and Support Service (

(IPSEA) Independent Provider of Special Education Advice

Support and Advice for Families from SENDIASS Southend

SEND Local Offer – Livewell Southend