School Governors

The Governing Body is responsible for working with the school to ensure that it delivers a good quality of education.

Together with the Headteacher, who is responsible for the day to day management, Governors work with the Senior Leadership team and staff in the following areas:  

  • To set the vision, strategic priorities and improvement plans for the school
  • To monitor the performance of the school across a broad spectrum of parameters so that it is held accountable for its actions and achievements
  • To act as a ‘critical friend’ of the school to offer support, guidance, praise when appropriate, and constructive criticism when necessary 
  • Governors also carry out a number of other important duties, which include:
  • Determining how the school's budget is spent
  • The appointment and dismissal of staff
  • Hearing appeals and grievances
  • Setting standards for pupils' behaviour and discipline
  • Making sure school buildings are welcoming and safe
  • Setting and monitoring the school's aims and policies 

Who can be a School Governor? 

You don't have to have children at the school to be a Governor. However, you do have to be over 18, and pass a formal check for your suitability to be within a school. What's really important is that you have energy, enthusiasm, time and a real desire to help provide children with the best possible education.

Governors come from all sections of the community, and all walks of life. They can be parents, residents in the locality, or representatives of local churches or businesses. It is essential that Governors work as part of a team, and can give commitment to the school.

If you are interested in being considered for future vacancies please contact the Clerk to the Governing Body, Mrs Terris. Mrs Terris can be contacted by email at the following address or by calling the school and leaving a message.


Governors meet at least once a term as a Full Governing Body and then also as members of the four committees which have specific areas of responsibility – Finance, Premises and HR Committee, Standards and Curriculum Committee. Governors may also be invited to special occasions such as assemblies, sports days, plays and presentations.